The Atheism Manifesto

The mighty and mysterious Jesus Christ
Owns the only in the Universe prize:
The gift of life, so necessary for men,
But He’ll never give it for nothing to them.
And so He sits in His Heavens, their God
Having His long arms dirty with blood.

You may object: but He’s so kind and nice
And He had made the greatest sacrifice!
Oh, yes? Did He? How can you know?
His death was just a poor show!
He’s cruel and mad, this stinky God
Each of His Words – no more than mud.

So should I love my Jesus Christ?
No! – ‘cause I hate Him thousand times!
The Sacred Trinity are bustards,
The Holy Bible’s full of mustard. 
P.S. Предвосхищая нападки, спешу напомнить - точка зрения автора может не совпадать с мнением лирического героя.

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