Translations into English

So, farewell! The sounds of this word
Till now haven't grieved so cruelly my heart.
Farewell!- eight letters- how much pain they've brought
Making me now from all I love depart!
Once again I'll meet her lovely glance,
But it may be my last, my final chance!

There was my love.
There were my painful doubts.
There were hopes.
There were my younger days.
Yes, there was my youth,
But why, I wonder now,
Didn't then the fortune
Turn to me its face?

My youth is gone,
But there's no grieving.
It's gone.
Then go.
Stop calling me. Enough!
No, no, I won't be
Of my young days dreaming,
The days when I
Didn't know you, my love.


I was a needle
in a stack of hay
the stack burned down
I survived

A nail was made of me
and hammered into a wall
the wall went rotten
I survived

A screw was made of me
and twisted into a board
the board broke down
I survived

A bullet mas made of me
then loaded and shot
somebody fell down
I survived

The one who'd fallen down
was put to the cremation
I couldn't stand it
and me-e-

I wonder now who I am but it's all right
for I've


I'm only shapeless biomass,
a lump of matter now.
And I am neither fish, alas,
nor flesh, nor even fowl.

As pliant as a rubber sole,
as weighty as a clowd,
I now have nothing in my soul
to think or dream about.

I'm overgrown with weedy hair,
my coat's a silty shell.
But I can't swim, to my despair,
and I can't sink as well.

I'm over head and ears now
all in a bog of mud.
My thirst is to get free somehow,
though it's for me too hard.

That's why I'm asking everyone:
Please mould me of this mass!
Make of me fish or flesh or fowl!
And that would be the best!
