That Way

So croudy, croudy,croudy,
It's break then class again.
So cloudy, cloudy, cloudy,
I know, it's gonna rain.

So boring, boring, boring,
To study every day.
You know, I'm not worried:
It's always been that way!

P.S.Дорогие читатели! Простите ради бога, если мое неумелое и нелепое англоязычное творчество окажеца еще более раздражительным и нелепым чем я предполагаю... Простите тогда...

Sincerely, Evvie

Well, if you really want somebody to show some small mistakes... не, лучше по-русски, по-человечески:
- во второй строке "class": если ты имела в виду "класс" как набор учеников, тады ОК, но ежели типа "занятия", тады надо "classes", хотя я понимаю, что размер ломается.
- "So boring, boring, boring,/To study every day"
По аглицки это грамматически неверно: должно обязательно быть подлежащее. Предлагаю "It's boring, boring, boring...". А сами англичане сказали бы типа "It's so bloody (fucking - американский вариант) boring..."
- Убрать запятые после I know и You know - это по русским правилам обращение выделяется
- Опечаточка в последней строке "that" вместо "taht"

But generally not so bad!
All the best!

Cyril   31.01.2002 11:12     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you for your answer. I appreciate it. I can't disagree with your corrections, but I'll just say; I know that's no excuse for me but here (in the USA) nobody ever say "lesson" or "classes", though I agree that it's incorrect to say "class", but that's the way they speak and I'm kinda used to it. I know that it's no good to use improper grammar. They call it "American English". It was killing me in the very beginning, they were making fun of my "proper British", but soon it just vanished. Now I'm no good in proper English, but I can speak slang pretty well though. It has nothing to do with me making up excuses for myself. I'm very sorry for my English and the thing that it is annoying for you. I'll try to do better, but I really can't help it 'cuz I speak it everyday. The phrase "so boring" is hte same way. The students and even the teachers use it all teh time so I can't help speaking the same way. As they say "When you are in Rome do as the Romans do" (sorry if something is wrong again), and I'm doing that way. I am sorry if I'm being a brat, thank you for your answer and compliment. Don't judge hard on "the lost exchangee".

P.S. I agree that I'm wrong... Sorry. You want me to delete this stupid verse?

Evvie Rough   31.01.2002 18:10   Заявить о нарушении
Dear Evvie!
First of all - the answer on your last question is NO! Don't you even dare to delete the poem! It's value has nothing to do with grammar or lexics or style. Forget it! And another thing - I'm really sorry now for teaching you lessons as if I were a bloody professor. I would not even think of it if I only knew you were away from home and - which is important! - in the USA! Believe me, I know what it feels like! But still you just have to be optimistic and you can stand it! Your verses are able to help in surviving, by the way!
Wishing you all the best and good luck,

P.S. I'd be glad to hear from once again. You can mail me or

Cyril   01.02.2002 10:49   Заявить о нарушении
почитайте мои английские стихи для сравнения

Павло Павло   04.02.2002 02:26   Заявить о нарушении
почитали, сравнили,
осознали, устыдились,
прослезились, застрелились...

Вы эту преследовали, немногословный Вы наш?

Cyril   04.02.2002 17:08   Заявить о нарушении
Я имел в виду "цель"

Cyril   04.02.2002 17:09   Заявить о нарушении
POchitali, napugalis', pozhelali uspehov...

Evvie Rough   12.02.2002 00:36   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 4 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.