The Watching

the watching

I'm not interested in the night, not in the least.
I'm turning my back to it and don't even try to remember
because I forget it not bothering to have memorized
Standing on the hill with an unplugged highway I'm waiting for a sign
that is not,  have never,  and why on Earth should ever
With a heart dashing to explode
      It shall never know
      I want to know
      It has to go
      Breeze might be low

In the very dusk I see no sign of the night
So, please, calm those in love I'll keep it, the sunset, for you
'Cause the dark is nothing and hardly's anything must be close

to anyone
And the mild subtle breathing is mine now to linger through
                As the heart longs for a light
      Who'll land a hand
      Plenty that stand
      Horizon of land
      We could've been planned
been watching not for the last time

nice and subtle, congrats!

I sense "linger through [the night]" as a russicism, perhaps intentional?.. you cannot linger through something... perhaps linger about or around or on, but not through...

also the sentence "'Cause the dark is nothing and hardly's anything must be close" does not seem to have a grammatical meaning, although poetically it is meaningful alright


Clittary Hilton   28.11.2003 19:56     Заявить о нарушении
впрочем, come to think of it linger through is OK, I am sorry for the nonsense

Clittary Hilton   29.11.2003 02:34   Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо за столь милое нашим сердцам внимание к строчкам!
We really appreciate it
Насчет hardly's anything... - надо мне у автора таки спросить, не устроил ли он тут намеренно чего-нибудь. но вообще-то как прочитать, знаков препинания то вовсе нету -
'Cause the dark is nothing and hardly's anything must be close to anyone возможно надо читать как
- cause the DARK IS nothing and hardly IS anything
(and it) must be close to anyone
Впрочем я не знаю. Писано давно Морром, он сюда теперь редко ходит. И вообще одна я осталася, уа-ауу!!


Ai-Group   29.11.2003 10:35   Заявить о нарушении
знаки преткновения

Clittary Hilton   29.11.2003 18:36   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.