I never will be older...

Don't judge strictly. It is my first experience of poetic translation.
Я просто попытался перевести на английский свою же песню "Я никогда не стану старым" и вот что из этого вышло.

If I'm ill and all is bad,
if I lie in the bed,
if today is a disgusting day -
then you help me in my way.

If I'm fine and so nice,
if my friends come to me tonight,
if we drink and sing a song -
then I love you very long.

O, I'm sorry so much!
There was the time when I wouldn't like to touch you.
You went out from my life
and I changed to you with my wife.

But you are always so fine!
You excuse me, to my mind.
You come back,  I say again:
"Come to me, my darling, and begin to play!"

...I never, never will be older...
I will be always ...Superstar,
if you will be with me, my owner!
O, my Guitar...

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