Ode to intolerance of stupidity

You have dove in.  You are officially underwater
Have you ever been in love, with anyone but your own photo?
I am no Sylvia Plath.  Neither am I trying.
I do not like to read poetry, it makes me feel like crying.
Over thousands of pathetic lonely girls
who are unloved yet spoiled with "pearls" --necklaces.
pardon my french.  Excuse moi. Tie your laces
Or you will fall flat on your faces.
Time to grow up, face the consequences of fire
Purchase an extinguisher, and get rid of your desire.
To fuck and torture.  Learn to love.  Before you learn to screw.
Men and people all around you.  I sound archaic
Well, perhaps.  Life is not a mosaic
You do not have an eternity to put it all together.
All you have is a couple of decades, austere
However true.  You thought this is a love poem.
Then i've got a surprise for you.
Life is more difficult than love, my dove.

As for the conclusion, my duck
To end this "crisis"
When you don't give a fuck
whisper "isn't that nice".

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