
Have you ever had crazy love,
When only stars do shine above,
When you can't live without his smile
And when your breath stops for a while?

How wish him in my arms to fold!
Never let go, forever hold.
And every night he's in my dream,
I cant' forget his voice, his beam!
I can't forget his hands, embrace,
Still in my mind his joyful face...

Just if you knew how good you are!
But unattainable, so far...
And every night feel so forlorn
And pray for you about dawn.

When see you - fall into despair:
'll never belong to me, my fair...
A tear drops down. Tell me why?
Why do the stars fall from the sky?
Love was so beautiful like rain.
But suddenly I felt the pain...

How did it happen? Once I've woken
With quiet tears - my heart was broken...
There was an arrow right in it.
One moment thought that love is sweet.
But no. It's a cruel, cruel anguish
To love somebody... Can't more languish!


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