In My Mind

            “You don’t know your own mind” Jonathan Swift

Blindness leads through night and day
For we can’t pretend to obtain
Things and people, signs and facts
We’re nothing more than nuts
Throwing images in matching people
Linking failures orderly to them
We just strive for simple recognition
For we aren’t allowed to tell
Who we are and what we’re for
(May be we are not at all!)
Making glasses from neat ideas
Taking guesses for wrong meanings
Right away, like hundred flies,
Put ourselves in Paradise…

Climbing walls in perfect darkness
Kicking bodies of phony friends
Find a pretty face of kindness
And true love for someone else
Creeping dully through my dreams
I’ve been watched by thrilling teens
Just as soon as I’m awake
They’ve destroyed themselves – like a piece of cake!
Now I’m crazy but I am alive
Though you cannot see my eyes
What am I without your name?
Walking dreaming through the days
Left from “us” in memories
Writing you in my diaries…

You are angel in my mind –
An idea in my mind…
A corruptor of my mind,
A religion in my mind,
A seducer of my mind,
A perfection in my mind,
Don’t you mind if
I`ll be with you
In my mind?…

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