Ode To A Calculator

Oh, Calculator!
My buttony friend!
You always help me
And always defend!
Multiplication, addition,
And also subtraction,
You even work
With an irrational fraction!
Even derivatives
And integration,
You can compute!
What a perfect creation!

Oh Calculator!
My counselor in math!
In the world of numbers
You show the path!
You have a large LCD
And that’s a big plus!
Everything’s helpful
And pleasing to us!
Tangent, cotangent
Sine, cosine,
Positive, or even
Negative sign!

Oh Calculator!
My TI-89!
(Who said I don’t know
How to rhyme?)
Even programming
And data storing
You are able to do
And that is not boring!
The day when the world
Comes to the end,
I will survive
With my buttony friend!
On any test,
In a tough situation
You will simplify
Any hard calculation!
Oh Calculator!
Clever and wise!
When everything falls
You are going to rise
We’re going to march
Through the day and the night,
We’re going to win
The mathematical fight!
We’ll lead the world
To it’s total destruction
Giving the answer exact,
As a fraction!

Oh Calculator!
Gentle and nice!
All other models
Are stupid as mice!
Y equals this
And X equals that
The equation is solved
Before you die flat!
Cubic, quadratic
Or a harder equation
You solve in a second,
You’re the pride of the nation!

Oh Calculator!
The Graphical Master!
All other graphs
Look like a disaster!
Differential equations
3D and polar,
So if you don’t like it
You can go pull your molar
Finding tangents,
Intersections, and also inflections
Minimums and maximums:
Such hard calculations!
Press a couple of buttons,
One second…it’s done!
My answer is ready
Now time to have fun!
Oh Calculator!
Entertaining and fun!
I can play games
When the work is all done
Mario, Tetris
All these different names
On this calculator
I can play all these games
Practice reactions
Happily waste time,
Play the whole day
And you won’t have to whine!

Oh Calculator!
In a black shiny case!
Nothing keeps up
With your ultra-fast pace
Assembled from billions
Of small tiny chips
If you get lost
Read the manual for tips.
Four triple-A batteries
Is all that you eat.
Batteries for a calculator
Are even better than meat!

Oh Calculator!
Complying with an FCC rule
You are made in Taiwan
And MAN you are cool!
Batteries are included
And so is the link.
If you get dirty,
Just wash in a sink!
Only two hundred
Does this masterpiece cost
And it’s pretty darn obvious
That you will impress your boss!
It’s the best Christmas present
There is on the land
Because everyone should have
The buttony friend!

На это произведение написано 6 рецензий, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.