Rhymes knights ballad

In the far and safer times
When the Earth was safe and sound,
Once there lived the knights of rhymes
Those who used to hang around
In the forests and the lanes
Thru  the  long forbidden  castles,
Sang they songs so pure and plain
Full of leaves and  winds and  rustles.
Neither laments nor complaints
Heard their God in hidden heaven,
Weird  and wild were them saints
Were them bums and were them seven.
   One was born to seek the virtue,
   one  -  in search of  sacred beauty,
   one was said  to tell the fortune,
   one possessed by  lust for duty,
   one was doomed to sins and pity,
   one was destined to convict him,
   and the last, so cute and pretty
   was proclaimed the holy victim.
In some hamlet, sole and queer,
Heard  they tunes of country music,
voice of these was fresh and clear,
Crystal, innocent,  amusing.
Gal of fourteen,  small and slender,
Proved to be a perfect dancer.
«Who are thee, so sweet and tender?»
«Virgin Mary» - was the answer.
Eyes of blue and lips of scarlet
Turned their moods in eerie  style,
Tops and hips of fairy starlet
Kept them motionless awhile.
Off they went. The magic sign
Did not touch the sight of mind.
Thus the miracle divine
Was in vain for them to find.
On they marched and rode and wandered
Faith or passion failed to seize them.
Grace and excellence they wanted
Seekers of  some secret wisdom.

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