По английски

She is all alone. She misses him for all its worth
The fireplace in a house with a cathedral ceiling
is the sole source of warmth.
She misses the little mouse
In a tiny apartment..with him. Feeling
that being surrounded by the multitude of blood relatives
is the same as being surrounded.

Reader. Are you yet confounded?
She is. 
Finds herself wishing that their blood would become adulterated.
Let it be.
Not so pure, as long as not as overrated.
For all she is worth(again). 

She can't fit in among those that are sure of their love for her.
She can only fit with the one that doesn't know.
Reader you conclude?!(absense of snow
does wonders to the already leaking brain).
Comment sustained
"Its a mess"
Obscure, perhaps.
But just as impossible to endure
as any other PMS.

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