Room behind that door

The desperate prayers touch my lips
I'm hunger to be alive
But mournful wings above my side
Death is a price for life

Black candles on stone walls
I've been already here
The room behind that door
The empty cradle of fear

It was before the sun passed down
The thunder broke the firmanent
The rain pounded on my brain
For me dark angel had been sent

The darkness fell by ominous snow
That door was opened to my way
Black candles were burning low
It seemed I'd gone insane

The room behind that door
Its vision still the same
The angel showed my home -
The cemetary in flame

Grim figures there held the child
The sweetest baby cryed
And silence slowly blew the mind
In name of God he died

And Angel said: - The hell will take,
The vice must die forever!
Your future's dead, you've killed own fate
You fall into nowhere!

The room behind that door
I'm going back in time
Who'll care for my soul?
Just me and days of mine

The judgement day should come
To choose the truth or lie
In room behind that door
To change the life or die.

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