The Love and the Wine...

The Love and the Wine are the best magic things
which our God gave us?
And they can exalt on the wings of the wind
or overthrow in the dust?

Oh, what would we do on our earth
without the Wine and the Love?!
They can equalize with inevitable death
and even can place above?

Your west mind and culture almost confined
your dreams and your feelings, and soul?
Oh, who can release them?  Only Wine
and only Love after all.

There're many languages, I'm afraid
everyone has his own?
This couple is always our aid?
Replacement? As yet is unknown?

And while replacement does not exist
I see not a bit for reason
to stop to drink and to stop to kiss
my ladies in spite of  treasons?

"The Night, the Wine and the Love are three great things: the Night makes go out shame and Wine and Love - shyness". (D. G. Byron)

Виктори Мердок   15.03.2018 11:13     Заявить о нарушении
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