justa lesson

 I"ll give you everything you want,
 If you just turn the key
 And understand that in this world
 You need no one but me.

 If two is one and we can merge,
 Eternity we"ll reach.
 If happiness is what you search,
 Just learn and I will teach.


Это совсем классика. Здорово!

If two is one, we cannot count -
Continnum can't be reached.
A tutor should be found for us.
We'll learn and he will teach.


Very best luck

Геннадий Казакевич   30.11.2001 02:56     Заявить о нарушении
sorry, typo - CONTINUUM

Геннадий Казакевич   30.11.2001 02:58   Заявить о нарушении