
 I try and try to find myself;
 It"s not so easy as it seems.
 My spirit like a pretty elf
 Is wondering between the beams
 Of stars and comets. They"re so high!
 Where is my place?  I want to know.
 There is no answer. Still I fly
 Between the stars and flakes of snow.

Very nice, thanks.


What"s the difference
Try to guess
You are saying
"Sorry, no"
I am hearing
"Sure, yes"


Take care

Геннадий Казакевич   02.11.2001     Заявить о нарушении
thanks so much!
stay tuned.

Мила Кузьмина   02.11.2001 10:33   Заявить о нарушении
thanks so much!
stay tuned.

Мила Кузьмина   02.11.2001 10:33   Заявить о нарушении