Infinity Within

The North, the South, the West, the East -
Four-pointed prison for my damn
Here now I don’t exist
Exiled from love and hate of men
Surprised at who I am

The lucid star my only guide
Ignites its aura at my side
Eradicates all of my sins
Drowned in infinity within

Reverse of me is what I gain
The emptiness around is not fell
Being that infinite domain
Where I irreligiously dwell
Spinning my lonely spell

The lucid star my only guide
Ignites its aura at my side
Nothing to fail, nothing to win
Drowned in infinity within

My farewell to eternal grace
To immortal beauty which I would miss
Give me our very last embrace
Remember this final tender kiss
Forever be my bliss

The lucid star my only guide
Ignites its aura at my side
Distorts the sense of what I’m in
Drowned in infinity within

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