My Husbands Death

i surely would not like to see
obsidian blades of lust and screams
swift cutting through your heart.
i surely would not rescue thee -
it"s not so easy as it seems -
you end the game, and then i"ll start.

i wish to know… no, not again -
not this, not them, not those!
i wish to know what"s this stain
on your embroidered silver rose.

i hail thee, now i hail thee not -
the piece is missing; time"s not yet
has come for mine and yours last shot.
you whimper, standing on your head.

i opened thee, i went thee through,
i lived in thee but then you died.
i did not wish to die with you.
that"s why i slipped out - but was tied
to that ferocious Leich of yours.
i screamed and scratched your glassy eyes.
to no avail. reality spurns
me once again - from you i cannot rise

(24 августа 2001, 1:01)
