I didnt die on Christmas Day

I didn"t die on Christmas day
God made me live and watch and pray
And beg for Death to snatch away
My ruined soul that had to stay
In this old world for far too long
In heartless cold and all alone
Where all are blind and dumb and deaf
And life disguised as death herself
I have been loved, God knows, I"ve been...
I tasted pleasures of the sin,
I drank my wine and ate my bread
And meant my words when they were said
I didn"t lie, I never did...
I lent my hand to those in need...
But all I begged for was His Will
To make me cold, to make me still…
For could no longer take my heart
The pain of being torn apart
By claws of human beasts that prey
On those whose hearts aren"t cold today…

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