Fair is foul

Fair is foul and foul is fair,
Fog is playing with your hair,
Melts your mind and eases pain,
There’s no loss and there’s no gain.

And no movement and no skill,
No pow’r to breathe and none to kill,
None to see what’s going on,
You’re blind, you sing your song,

Lost support and left your friends,
Live along denying trends,
Start the engine, take it off,
To the roads where pigeons cough.

Gain the power, rule your world,
Kill the traitors with a word,
Starve the cruel, feed the poor
With your life, but not manure.

Fair is foul and foul is fair,
Fog is playing with your hair,
Melts your mind and eases pain,
There’s no loss and there’s no gain.

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