The Water Spirit

In forests that the feet of strangers
Don’t ever reach or try to reach
And where the eagle owl cages
A naked mermaid as a witch
There is a lake in deeper forest
Hidden in bushes, trees and leaves
Which draws by magic water surface
Whose ripple resembles silver bees.
And neither beast nor bird nor snake leaves
Its prints on the soft darky silt,
Just willows wash their long slim branches
In waves, confessing in some guilt.
In the enchanted waters they have
Sunk their branches as long hands,
They give their sap, deathlessness gain they
And dream of warm and sunny lands.

And in the twilight reflects the ripple
The nervous twisting of the moon
And the aquatic plant of wishes
Will cover all the bank so soon.
And when it shows full moon’s emerging
The surface starts to give some light.
The ooze is waiting for the moment
The Water Spirit starts to fly.
He picks up feelings and emotions
To him sent by the maids in love
And looks for any empty places
Where he could put the found stuff.

He hides their hearts on the lake’s bottom
And whispers something in the pool
And comes to them while they are sleeping
And never breaks the sturdy rule.
No wizard will be ever able
To let the maids get rid of spell.
And on the moon’s rebirth depending
Their pain will come and come again.

But is the Water Spirit lonely
And silent, slumbering of light.
He sighs imagining the mermaid
Who’s dancing naked in the night.

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