My Depression

not too artistic and skillfull but... that"s how it was back then. in.. summer 2000 as i remember it

it crawls up silently
by its own shadowy ways
it rises out of wounds and follows up
the arrows which i drew myself
protection fades gradually
and nothing of my past state stays
just more and more of to corrupt
to pain yet more my dying self…

it bites, i listen to my body
my sensations grow yet weaker
i"ll carry on no longer more
one sting could free me of this state
sick clouds keep rising, mean and sturdy
no one helps, even the speaker
my veins are gradually being filled with gore
i"ll live no longer at this rate…

and no one can help me - even you
if you"d agreed to strangle me just then
when my horrors still were far away not coming through -
but you did not. repentant be you now. off to shady glen

(19 июня 2000, 0:36)

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