Shamanic curse

pain of sore awakened you,
making twist and twirl
that impression - it was new
strong unbroken hurl…
lines of happiness and grief
disappeared from hands
newborn like a fresh green leaf
though your beard"s in strands…
you remember nothing now
through a glass of clouds
for the first time staring, how
people walk in shrouds…
this new vision costs a lot -
memories and lives
betrayed secretly by your god,
buried with your knives…
where"s your glorious warrior past?
seen now it is not
all that"s left and does not last
is a single slot
sun and stars are dim and dark,
gloomy mists replace
those you loved and sung by lark
in thy past sweet days…
scythe is tarnished, heat is cold,
conscience"s filled with lies
your demonic child grows old
after your demise…
nothing"s left. no hope, no fear,
nothing holds you still
you could see them light and clear,
have your life fulfilled…
you rejected - what sake for?
visions of the dead?
feared and forbidden lore
which you used to dread?
lucky necklace didn"t help -
fire and smoke await.
that"s the lot you chose yourself,
not foreseeing thy fate…

(11 июля 2000, 21:51)

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