Come with me

Come with me:
I will show you, from where there is water in sea
I will show you, from where the night will come,
I will show you, to where the day is going -
I know all this, I"ve seen it.

Come with me:
You will find out why the wind sings up in the sky,
You will find out, where do the rivers flow while centuries go.
You will find out why the spring arives on earth -
I know it all, I"ve seen it.

Come with me:
You"ll understand, why people do believe and wait,
You"ll understand, why people love and search for happiness,
You"ll understand, why we must live -
I know it all, I"ve seen it.

And I understand why you about IT write, and I about IT read...

Михаил Колесниченко   08.05.2001 19:54     Заявить о нарушении
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