Second World War

shadows of the past still flow
my hand caresses that of sky
everflowing waters overflow
my mourning hovers over thine…
and i seek
and you seek
for nothing meaning essence
and my cunt still aches
of your absence…

i hear thy voice
and voices of past
come withering near
and panting, and last…
my angel, it fades
it covers my howl
it fades as it comes
in dismaling prowl…

my silent ebony of dreams
disintegrates in burning rain…
the sickly spear, the stagnant streams…
i vomit out my heart again…
the pride of crowned"s* always right                *["kraunid]
their carefree feasts go on and perish.d
my love, my home, my blood, my might -
all drowned in stillness of the carriers…
my sheath is gone, and naked stand
i all alone before the gate.
and cauldron, and the flaming brand
are mine. for ever. in every state.

(19 августа 2000, 21:35 - 3 сентября 2000, 21:56)

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