Confessions of the dead

"Eternal Court, I fear damnation,
Therefore I justify myself"
The fault of stone and fault of glass,
It"s full of pain and full of us;
We keep it close to our heart,
The steps are soft but sound is hard…

Tell me your name the friend of might:
Are we to rest, are we to fight?
Are we to grasp the sense of words,
Are we to conquer the Unfold?

Are we to weep on grass of spring?
Or are we bound by the unseen -
Forgive me Lord for all my pride,
Give me your peace and rest tonight…

I sense the fear of End to come,
For it is close and death is stunned;
My word is broken to the parts,
And future"s told by playing cards.

At birth I was the weakest beast;
The sun is gone, what left - is mist;
The reading"s done, my purpose"s gone,
The goal is threatened, I reckon…

The path within the walls of fame
Disturbed by truth, but faith - profane;
My sight is blinded by the sin
Of treasures sworn and the unseen…

The precious time of dawn is gone,
And legs are wandering all alone,
The sense is lost among the deeds,
Forgotten Father, strange in needs.

For leisure seeks my mind no more,
And time is gone… To sleep - what for!
I disappear in the end:
Delightful prize and graceful stand…

The liturgy is all I want;
Forgive me friends for being wrong;
I cut through life and million times
My mind is crossed by doubtful rhymes…

This is my life, my faith, my death,
This is my future and my wealth,
The time is spinning like a wheel,
The death is coming - it is will.

The candle burning in the church,
All faces, friends in light emerge;
I see through wisdom of your eyes
And see no fear and no lies…

We walked the long way to the end…
The field of glory, the prize of sand,
And god, I hope, rejoices too,
For I was struggling all way through.

My bride as hope stepped to the side
And watches me in candle light;
The breath is almost gone and lost,
My body fades, produces frost…

I see through glasses of the river:
My destiny was you - I shiver
In thought that it was more than me,
And painful it is all to see…

This is my faithful farewell
As steps my mind into the Well
Of unpredicted things to come,
And strikes the rhythm of timing drum.

These are the last words here to say…
I am forgiven in no way…
I am the last destructive soul…
I am the dust… Death is my fault.
