The City

If words were colors,
I would strip the flashy neon signs
to a gauzy veil of flesh nuances.

If words were music,
my nocturne would be enticed
into the chamber roulades of the chatoayant fountains.

If words were sentient,
I would let them stroll the downtown maze
touching the resonant darkness of the naked water.

If words could talk,
I would make them sound,
over the muffled sighs of the carried away city,
in a single word that I wish to render.

My soul flew swiftly through the wind
Of midnight madness of the land,
Which holds the city of my dream
And brings my search to a dreadful end.

Токарев Иван   31.01.2001     Заявить о нарушении
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Tamara   04.02.2001   Заявить о нарушении