The Fox and the Crow Вольный перевод Вороны и Лисицы

The crow was blessed with peace of cheese,
She sat on tree to eat in peace.
But then a fox came near by
To see the cheese beneath the sky.

As she was hungry there she stopped.
“Why not speak mildly?” - came a thought -
“Perhaps this fool’s not smart enough
To guess my plan and yet – my craft.”

She gazed and smiled to move the crow,
She dared to touch her on the row,
And bird was pleased to hear her swear
Of perfect eyes and feathers fair.

So when the fox asks her song
To show her voice so sweet and strong,
For crow there’s no way left but sing;
The peace of cheese falls from within.

The fox enjoys the way she tricked
To leave the crow with opened beak.

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