Письмо редактора журнала Cholla NeedlesСпасибо большое, что нашли нас! Мы случайно читали вслух «Поминки по Финнегану» и задавались вопросом: «Может ли кто-нибудь действительно писать так?» Как весело. И я лично рад, что вам удалось уловить тот же лукавый юмор, что и Джойс. Есть ОДНА проблема, и надеюсь, она незначительная. Мы печатный журнал, и размеры страниц установлены. Вы написали два стихотворения («Русалка Гоголя» и «Укутывание»), чтобы они уместились на странице большего размера. Итак, я переделал разрывы строк и отправляю вам копию для проверки (прилагается). Если вы видите/чувствуете разные разрывы строк, это нормально — при условии, что они не выходят за поля журнала. Это распространенная проблема, с которой мы сталкиваемся, потому что сейчас очень много журналов доступны в Интернете и не имеют установленных полей =:-) Если есть возможность, пришлите, пожалуйста, фотографию автора. У меня есть ваша биография и почтовый адрес. Если вас устраивают строки, эта группа появится вместе в выпуске 91. Главный редактор выпуска 91 — Филипп Кобиларз. Добро пожаловать в семью Чолла! – Рич. Thank you so much for finding us! We happen to be reading Finnegans Wake out loud and have been asking ourselves - "could anyone truly write like this anymore?" What fun. And I'm personally happy you were able to capture the same sly humor as Joyce. There is ONE problem, and hopefully it's minor. We are a print magazine, and the page sizes are set. You wrote two of the poems (Gogol’s mermaid & Wrap me) to fit a larger page size. So, I've re-done the line breaks and am sending you a copy to proof (attached). If you see/feel different line breaks, that'll be fine - as long as they do not exceed the margins of the magazines. This is a common issue we deal with because so many magazines are on-line now and do not have set margins =:-) When you can, please send an author photo. I have your bio and mailing address. If you are good with the line breaks, this group will appear together in issue 91. The main editor of issue 91 is Philip Kobylarz. Welcome to the Cholla family! - Rich Dear Rich,
I am flattered to be compared to Joyce, although I might say that Joyce would not have felt the same… :-)
Thank you so much for accepting my poems! This is a huge honor. Please find my photo attached. I am ok with the changed lines, no problem at all.
Kind regards,
Anna. Yeah, I can guess it doesn't feel wholly flattering to be compared to someone else. I apologize for taking that shortcut. We're into chapter 6 (of Finnegans Wake), and reading it aloud. What stands out the most is the ability to take disparate thoughts from different sources and bring them together to make a new thought. It does require careful listening by the reader. trust me, many people try to imitate Joyce. I get tons of submissions, and I am very quick to reject those imitations. They sound pretentious, and not open for anyone to understand. I feel they've simply been poorly taught. "Wake is deliberately impossible to understand, so you need to be like that to be considered literary". First, Wake is not impossible to understand. It simply takes an ear. Where yours stood out is - yes,it is difficult to "understand", but not deliberately obtuse. And you have the musical ear, as well as a sly humor. And most importantly, you are not imitating Joyce. You have a voice of your own that is nothing like his, and that is what made your work stand out for us. So, I will compare you, rightly so, not with Joyce, but with another writer I am learning about - Anna Idelevich. Good times! Welcome to the Cholla Family. We are mostly known as the place that rejects everyone. That's hardly fair because we get 80+ submissions per day, 7 days a week, and we only have 10 writers in each issue. So we can be extremely choosy and pick only those who stand out as purposeful and are making an impact on readers. - Rich Dear Rich, I am astonished by the fact that there are still people on this planet, who sit together and read outloud wonderful literature... Joyce or other. And participate in a thinking excercise, analyzing the convoluted path of his mind. It is very beautiful. It is kind of late where I am, so hopefully will respond more coherently tomorrow. Thank you for the letter! To be honest I am not used to receive anything beyond dry "yes, no, bye" :-) I will read some of your issues, now you got me really curious. Good night and kind regards, Anna.
© Copyright: Анна Иделевич, 2023.
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