Unfortunately, I don't actually speak English, and yet I'd like to say this one: in 2024, I'm a lucky man! My 1-2-3 volumes, 1-1748 pp., these are enjoyed a great reputation in the World: in Australia and New Zealand, in United States and Canada, in United Kingdom and Europe.
My 1-2-3 books are titled "Uri Runtu's Playhouse: the Neotranscendental Theatre": 10 plays by my great Australia's friend - Academician, Prof., Ph.D. Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu; 20 essays (my critiques about these excellent plays). On peut prendre connaissance de mon oeuvre en faisant une visite au site web australien, selon deux hyper-renvois ci-dessous:
**National Library of Australia: Catalogue: http://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn8855253">, or also http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/catalog/8855253">.
These are cited by Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States): http://www.harvard.edu/"> and also Stanford University (Stanford, California, United States): http://www.stanford.edu/">.
Hors d'aucun doute, c'est mon grand triomphe!