
Юлия Гайд: литературный дневник

thank you for reply. My question was only joke. I meant that to this day I have not seen you among the visitors and I wondered how it happened?
Maybe along the site flying spy plane, similar to the famous Stealth?

Any way, did you kill somebody in the war?

You wrote in your past letter that

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
...All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

My tears will wash away by rain
Like all those moments will be lost
I've seen things what no look again
I knew much more than can of most.

I've seen what blew the wind of time
Like leaves from branches in the fall…
I shall hide sadness in my mind
For nothing can return my goal!

And only voice of lonely soul
Will lead us to love in moonlight.
and nobody in world's whole
Will not find us amid the night!

Your tears will wash away by rain
Like memories expire from heart.
We'll leave behind us our pain,
You just remember we don't bent!

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