ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, well, everything has gone well. Obviously, it was not really the result I was looking for last week, but always nice to come back here, I think now one of the best golf courses we play on TOUR and a great event built over the last eight or nine years. It's a place I like coming back to because I have fond memories. So excited about the week. I've got a lot of work to do obviously to move up in the FedExCup.
Q. You played well the first couple of days at the Barclays. Was there anything that threw you off on Saturday? ADAM SCOTT: No, I played okay for 11 holes on the Saturday, but I just kind of went to sleep on the course for the last eight or so, kind of unexplainable. I just hit bad shot after bad shot and got myself in some bad positions. But nothing to worry about; my game feels really good. The work I've done here the last couple days has been great. It feels as good as it has all year if not better, and I’m excited about this week because I really do like this venue.
Q. Can you compare what this course looked like esthetically in '03 to today? ADAM SCOTT: No, you can't compare esthetically. It's two different golf courses completely. I think Gil (Hanse) and Brad Faxon, I believe, who also helped out here, did great work and turned it into, like I said, one of the best courses we play all year. It's a pleasure to play this golf course.
Q. I'm wondering what you think about Phil Mickelson joining the fraternity of those of you who are using long putters. ADAM SCOTT: I heard a rumor this morning that he had a long putter, but I haven't seen it. I might have to see it to believe it. Yeah, we'll see, I guess. That's the thing. It's the fad at the moment, so why not?
Q. You talk about how you like the golf course. Some players view it as a long hitters' golf course. Do you think that's a fair description, and does it give too much of an advantage to long hitters? ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, if you hit the fairway. I mean, it certainly helps, but I think less so than it did before. Certainly the first year we came here it was a huge advantage. It was very wide open and greens were very different back then, too. So I think it was an advantage to long hitters. I think now the way they've rebuilt the greens, if you're long and in the rough, it's no guarantee you're going to hit the greens. They're fairly small and tough to get to pin spots with nicely undulated areas on them. Look, it's always an advantage if you're long and straight; you're going to be hitting shorter irons in. But I don't think it's an unfair advantage. Maybe before it was.
Q. You won here the first year before the golf course was changed, yet you say now it's one of the best golf courses on TOUR. That seems almost backwards. You won here before it was changed. Why do you like it better now? ADAM SCOTT: Well, it's just a better golf course now. Like I was just saying, I think it's much nicer to play here. It's a lot fairer for the whole field. It was just a bomber's paradise before. It was 80 yards wide once you got past 290 yards, and I think it's more of a challenge now. You have to think your way around. There's some risk;reward holes, like the 4th hole, opportunities to score, but it's quite penal in some areas, as well. I think they've turned it into one of the better courses on TOUR.
Q. I was wondering if you could comment on the 11th and 16th holes here as par;3s. How do you approach them? Is there a strategic advantage on one hole or another? ADAM SCOTT: The 11th hole, you know, is a good long par;3. I think it's a very fair long par;3. We're not all fans of par;3s that are 230;plus yards, but they moved the tee up, and I think it's got a very fair green for such a length of hole. I don't have a problem with the 11th. I think it's another good hole out here. The 16th is another very good hole. The water is there for a bit of intimidation and to catch a really poor golf shot, but if you miss it in the right bunker you're going to have your work cut out with a tough bunker shot to get it up;and;down. Also a tough green to put it close to the hole. You're going to have to challenge either missing it in the bunker or missing it in the water to put it close, depending on where the pin is. So I think the 16th is a very, very good hole, especially one that's going to be late on a golf course or in the tournament. It's an opportunity, but if you're not careful, it can certainly unsettle some people.
Q. You guys get the extra day because of Labor Day finish and then you get another extra day because of the Saturday finish. Is there a feeling that you guys are getting a little antsy to get this thing started? ADAM SCOTT: I am. I feel like I'm playing good. I came out yesterday and started hitting it so good, I just want to get going. I'm just happy I've got a morning tee time tomorrow and I can go out and play and not have to wait the whole morning to get out here. Hopefully, we get a nice day. It looks like a nice day coming, and take advantage of nice smooth greens in the morning and put a good number and get right in the hunt. That's what I've been trying to do, and I've been doing it well the last few weeks. Get off to a good start; that's my goal tomorrow.
Q. Keegan Bradley is a local story around here. Could you just comment about what impresses you most about his game and the type of year that he's had so far this year? ADAM SCOTT: Yeah. I haven't played with Keegan yet, and to be honest with you, I haven't seen him play that much. You know, I probably don't have a very educated comment on what impresses me so much. I mean, obviously it is his rookie year, and to win a tournament is incredible, and then to win a major is obviously a dream start to a career. So the future is really bright for him, and I hope I get the chance to play with him soon because obviously he's a super talent. I saw the playoff holes of the PGA, and the way he played then was pretty much fearless, very impressive golf. You know, I think, like I said, he's got a bright future. I look forward to playing with him. © Copyright: Юлия Гайд, 2011.
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