So that mortals wormed
As livebait for the dead
And as I broke hope, I chocked
Another Pope with manna peel
Dictating to DeSade
In the dark entrails of the Bastille
And as He wrote, I smote
A royal blow to the heads of France
And in the sheen of guillotines
I saw others, fallen, dance
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- Новобранец - философская лирика, 22.07.2010 22:34
- К... - любовная лирика, 18.06.2010 14:52
- Morgenstern - мистика и эзотерика, 15.06.2010 00:40
- Xviii - мистика и эзотерика, 28.05.2010 00:22
- In abstracto - любовная лирика, 27.08.2009 21:32
- She dyed her hair red - без рубрики, 16.03.2010 18:42