Somewhere to Belong
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She roamed alone, a shadow in the night,
No gentle hands, no warmth, no guiding light.
A broken soul, her body worn and bruised,
A homeless heart forever feeling used.
Through stations, markets, endless city streets,
She searched for love, for refuge, for release.
Her owner gone, a year has passed since then,
And finding home seemed harder now than when.
Oh, can’t you see the sorrow in her eyes?
A silent plea beneath the endless skies.
One bite of bread, a shelter from the storm,
A place where she can finally feel warm.
Oh, this world can be so cold, so wrong,
She’s just searching for somewhere to belong.
Her matted fur, her steps so slow with pain,
Yet still she dreams of sunshine after rain.
A tiny spark of hope she tries to keep,
Through every tear the world refused to weep.
The city moves, so fast, so deaf, so blind,
No mercy there, no kindness left to find.
Their hardened hearts ignored her gentle plea,
A cry for love, how simple that could be.
Oh, can’t you see the sorrow in her eyes?
A silent plea beneath the endless skies.
One bite of bread, a shelter from the storm,
A place where she can finally feel warm.
Oh, this world can be so cold, so wrong,
She’s just searching for somewhere to belong.
And does it hurt them, to see her there?
To feel her pain, to show they care?
Or do they turn away in fear,
Afraid her need might draw them near?
Someday the world might stop to see,
The love she gives so endlessly.
But until then, she’ll walk alone,
A lonely heart without a home.
Oh, can’t you see the sorrow in her eyes?
She’s just searching for somewhere to belong.
You can listen to this song via the link:
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Оригинал стихотворения на русском языке:
Автор: Анна Клименко
Она не знала ласки человечьей,
Бездомная, измученная тварь,
Страдая от бесчисленных увечий,
Искала кров и брошенный сухарь.
Скиталась по вокзалам и базарам
В надежде покровителя найти.
Её хозяйки год уж как не стало,
А новый дом так сложно обрести.
Собака с обречённою судьбою,
Ненужная на свете никому,
С лохматою и грязною спиною
Плелась куда-то к счастью своему.
Спешили люди по своим делам,
Просящих глаз её не замечая,
По тёплым обустроенным домам,
На слёзы бедной псины наступая.
Не видели они собачью боль,
Был каждый озабочен своим делом.
И то, что ей нужна была любовь
Они не знали. Или не хотели?
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