Let Not Their Venom

'Master, teach me how to forgive,'
A student asked, with a troubled heart.
'Why treat the symptoms, when you can live
Without the wound that makes it start?'

'Learn not to take offense,' he said,
'For anger's poison festers deep.
When insults come, don't feed the dread,
But let them harmlessly asleep.'

'Like water off a duck's back, let
Their words slide by, without a trace.
Don't let their bitterness infect
Your soul, and leave a bitter taste.

If you are already wronged, and anger fills your breast,
Forgive the trespasser, and let it rest.
Do not allow the poison of offense
To linger in your heart, a cruel pretense.

Let not their bitter brew of spite
Infect your soul with its acrid blight.
Hold no grudge, nor let it linger on,
Forgiveness heals, redemption to be drawn.

Forgiveness heals the wounds that others make,
And sets your spirit free, for your own sake'.
