An awful Tempest mashed the air by Emily Dickinson
Мгла редких туч сползлась,
темна, как привиденья плащ,
скрыв землю с небом с глаз.
Захохотали твари с крыш,
и вкруг со свистом мчась,
лупили, пастью скрежеща,
их косм взъяривши пляс.
Заря зажглась, пичуг будя...
Отвёл на брег родной
Страшило свой поблёкший взгляд -
и райский стал покой!
An awful Tempest mashed the air -- by Emily Dickinson
An awful Tempest mashed the air --
The clouds were gaunt, and few --
A Black -- as of a Spectre's Cloak
Hid Heaven and Earth from view.
The creatures chuckled on the Roofs --
And whistled in the air --
And shook their fists --
And gnashed their teeth --
And swung their frenzied hair.
The morning lit -- the Birds arose --
The Monster's faded eyes
Turned slowly to his native coast --
And peace -- was Paradise!
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