How fleet how indiscreet an one by Emily Dickinson

"Покорный Вам..." Горяч, не в такт...
Некстати част при том...
Не услужу, бича не знав,-
божок любви - не дом...

(Весьма уместный Прист. "My little devices" в комментарии -
это письменные принадлежности Эмили.)

[David Preest:
This poem was found after Emily’s death in an envelope
containing drafts of poems and letters to Judge Otis Lord
written on scraps of paper. Lord’s letters to her usually
arrived on Monday, and this poem is preceded by lines (L695)
which show how important Monday was for her. The lines are,
‘My little devices to live till Monday would woo (win) your
sad attention………Full of work and plots and little happinesses
the thought of you protracts (derides) them all and makes
them sham and cold.’ The poem then repeats the point, saying
that although she may try to fill up the time with housework,
thoughts of love speedily crop up at the wrong, inconvenient
moment. But after all, Love is not a Deity we are whipped
to serve, like the God of housework.]

How fleet -- how indiscreet an one -- by Emily Dickinson

How fleet -- how indiscreet an one --
How always wrong is Love --            
The joyful little Deity             
We are not scourged to serve --      
