His mind of man, a secret makes by Emily Dickinson
сокрыт. Встречаю вдруг -
содержит Он в Себе охват,
но я не вхожа в Круг.
Коль даже и сочту, что так -
иначе может счесть,
в исканьях непереступим,
хотя и Друг-Сосед...
(Эмили - о Своём. Если выделить ключевые слова
прописными буквами,- один смысл, если оставить
со строчными,- другой. Я за тот, что Выше.
Оригинала в Архиве нет.)
Прист - о своём, с маленькой буквы.
[David Preest:
Emily sadly admits that other people are essentially
unknowable, for each man can make a secret of his mind
and keep her out of it. Even if she thinks she has
access to some part of his mind, he may know that she
is wrong. However close to her he lives, he can keep
his mind an ‘impregnable’ secret.]
His mind of man, a secret makes by Emily Dickinson
His mind of man, a secret makes
I meet him with a start
He carries a circumference
In which I have no part --
Or even if I deem I do
He otherwise may know
Impregnable to inquest
However neighborly --
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