Had I not This, or This, I said, by Emily Dickinso
прибегнув к Нам самим:
в минуту изобилия
неполноценен Мир...
Оно: - Теперь ни Я, ни "я",
в метаний зыбкий час,-
так всё же, столь усердная,
нуждалась ли ты в Нас?
А я: - Нужда была мне - всем,
нужды не тает вес,
поскольку пищу извела,
а голод не исчез...
Но всё ж надрыв обманней
по мере дел и жил -
питаясь неудачею,
успех лишает сил...
(Она всегда возвращается к себе, к своему "Я".
Для Эмили "Это, оно" - цельность, полнота, Любовь,
не как мужская или женская, а как и мужская, и женская.
Цельная. Невозможная для неё здесь, на Земле.
Познаешь своё Я - познаешь Любовь.)
Невнятный комментарий:
[David Preest:
Emily has the following dialogue with an unspecified ‘This’:
Emily: (in a moment of prosperity) If I did not have ‘This,’
my life would beinadequate.
This: (in a moment of reverse) You do not have me now, but
you are busy enough. So do you really need me?
Emily: In times of reverse all I had was the need for you.
The hunger does not finish when the food vanishes. But I am
careful and pick up all the chances to stay busy and sane,
since to feed and dwell upon my past prosperity would
‘enfeeble the Advance’ into any future prosperity.
‘This’ possibly refers to her love relationship with Sue or
Samuel Bowles.]
Had I not This, or This, I said, by Emily Dickinson
Had I not This, or This, I said,
Appealing to Myself,
In moment of prosperity --
Inadequate -- were Life --
"Thou hast not Me, nor Me" -- it said,
In Moment of Reverse --
"And yet Thou art industrious --
No need -- hadst Thou -- of us"?
My need -- was all I had -- I said --
The need did not reduce --
Because the food -- exterminate --
The hunger -- does not cease --
But diligence -- is sharper --
Proportioned to the Chance --
To feed upon the Retrograde --
Enfeebles -- the Advance --
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