A Night there lay the Days between by Emily Dickin
Меж днём, что схлынул прочь -
Единой цепью - с днём за ней...
Вновь день... Как будто ночь...
Ночь, медля, измереть должна,
Крупиц изморьем длясь...
Невнятно очень, чтобы внять,
Такой же тьмой ложась...
(Бессонная ночь меж двумя днями бодрствования.)
[David Preest:
Emily describes how she spent a sleepless night
between two days, all linked together as one time.
She had to watch the night pass imperceptibly away,
in units as small as ‘Grains upon a shore.’
Lucky are those who have not shared her experience.]
A Night -- there lay the Days between by Emily Dickinson
A Night -- there lay the Days between --
The Day that was Before --
And Day that was Behind -- were one --
And now -- 'twas Night -- was here --
Slow -- Night -- that must be watched away --
As Grains upon a shore --
Too imperceptible to note --
Till it be night -- no more --
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