Verdi and Pavarotti. Ball-masquerade

Verdi and Pavarotti. Ball-masquerade.
Whether the main character is called Richard
Or he's Boston-American - that's the case,
This opera has become of all - the most dear!

It's just the matter of sounds and harmonies,
It's lightly melancholical, a la Wagner.
No, without comparisons. Verdi is
A Titan saving all national-Italian.

Here, as by Bellini, the movements meek,
Opera is so easily, lightly sung.
Protagonist is innocent. He forgives
Generously his killers. Like Christ the Sun.

With festive optimism over evil jokes,
He defended and saved Ulriku-the hag.
Amelia, a friend's wife, whom he loves, adores, -
Lets them go to England, reflexing hard.

He boldly goes to his death, although warned,
A masquerade's like life with the masks got into.
Masks are removed. And Richard is not a rogue.
What is condemned - it's evil sourdough suspicion.

UN BALLO IN MASCHERA, Paris 1992 Pavarotti-Chung
