Good Choice 2017

Если размер 2х2

(  -  C половиной     !  )

Do третьего  -  ни дотянуть   -  ?

Это - Тогда :

Жилые трущобы

Это  -   Вселенной жуть

The Third one - never
is given

as have it caught up  -  ancient Romans
Und  - Уильям ъ

( Und -  " pls remember
that i never lie " even
at last December
Before saying good-bye    )

Und still remaining  -  one
between two

Path not looks like mistakable
Please choose
One - from Two  ?

And when i see you - as clear ...
as mice                (? )

You shouldn't believe me
und - send phone-call twice

Still me remember
how's beautiful life 

Better i call you uno a day
by miself-ъ
