To myself. To everyone

You keep on being with age the same,
There is nobody you dare to blame.
All your worries and doubts remain,
They'll never lead you so far to the fame.

I know all oppressive feelings you store:
"If you destroy 'em, won't it ruin your soul?
Will you be yourself after that anymore,
If you set to get rid of them as a primary goal?"

Step over the threshold is already a start,
The way will be winding and probably tough.
Defend your beliefs, you're able to guard,
Find courage to stand up is quite enough.

You think you're weak, I'm sure you're not!
You're striving so hard. Hey, you won't fall apart!
Believe, only you know an excellent plot
To turn your life into fabulous art!

26.01.15 г.

Inspiring poem! Thank U!

Жанна Сарибекян   28.01.2015 13:31     Заявить о нарушении
You're welcome! ;-)

Регина Райль   28.01.2015 16:21   Заявить о нарушении