
pale autumn woods, telling hidden stories
whispering their agony in my heart
as i, the forsakened one, approach to mountain
on which i shall meet the everwhite spirit
dancing through the cold breath of air
for years and years unseen, unheard
trying to get rid of the disease
which followed me through whole my journey
through gods to human's son
and as i walk through this poetic silence
the bird shall sing my song, far away from here
where nobody lives, nobody walks
where only ghosts dance under the moon
enchanted by the spells of mine
as I, the creator, found them a place to be embraced with
but, with all this knowledge and strength
i'm yet to find a place for myself
i'm yet to find myself
and so i solemnly walk
near the quicksilver river
and my god is nothing but a shadow
and my dog is nothing but a death
